Monday, March 31, 2014


So, I come to you today in a bit of despair. Do you ever have those moments or circumstances that cause you to just lose your mind? That is me today....completely and utterly crazy.

As many of you know, I am in the middle of a 3 part surgery on my jaw/mouth. I had an infection in my jaw bone, and it has been one hell of a ride. Now that the worst of the surgeries is over, I am now feeling a pain on the other side of my mouth, and thus anxiety permeates through my entire mindset. What in the world am I going to do if I have to do this alll over again? Am I just crazy? Is it all in my head?

So, naturally, I turn to the expert...Google. BAD idea. According to them, I have one of 53 problems. So then I call my dentist...they of course cannot do anything unless I go in to see them. So, should I pay for peace of mind, or do I wait to see if maybe, just maybe, I am a bit paranoid?

I would love to tell myself that everything happens for a reason, and whatever happens, in the end it will all be okay, BUT, try telling that to my wallet and my fear of dentists/oral surgeons. You see, I am not one to usually jump to conclusions like this on a serious level. I joke around from time to time about average bumps and bruises, but this is different. This feels like a bad dream.

I am sorry to be selfish in my blog today...I just needed to talk my way through my emotions. A big thank you for reading. I will make it up to you by doing a Wednesday entry this week. Hopefully by that time I will be a little more sane. Until then, I will be applying for dental insurance.

I need to be strong. I need to pray.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Get Busy Being Busy

Happy Monday!

What a week it has been! Between gearing up for our fundraiser at The Family Center, finishing planning the Delivery Dudes launch party, starting Joy Latte, getting ready for my 2nd of 3 surgeries and making sure I have plenty of quality time with my favorite, I am emotionally and humbly hungover!

And I would do it all over again.

If I have learned anything in the past month...even week.. it is that staying busy is living! I am talking about good busy, not busying your mind with worry, or becoming busy with things that won't matter in the future. Filling your schedule with things that don't give you time to worry about the small stuff is quite euphoric.

Ask yourself, "When I am doing nothing, what am I really doing?" If you're anything like me, your answer would be that you get too much into your head. You think too much and it results in being overwhelmed with ideas that aren't even relevant to your current state of life. No matter what your answer is to this question, I challenge you to redefine your meaning of the word "busy".

You can be busy relaxing, you can be busy planning a trip, you can be busy working on a project, you can be busy with your passion. You can be busy doing anything you WANT to do! It's a beautiful thing, really. No matter what, time is going to go by, so doesn't it make sense to get the most out of the time we have? Fill it with joy, fill it with excitement, make your time into your world, and into the world of those you love most. Make what you do matter. Make an impression. Make a difference, no matter how you choose to do so.

If and when you feel things are out of your control, make yourself busy with things you do have control over in that situation. If you cannot take the lead, follow, but follow in a different tune. If you cannot get to where you feel you need to go, become busy paving a new road to get you there. If you are busy with work, make sure to delve into other projects that you don't consider "work". So long as you're busy, you are making your way.

Quiet your mind of doubt, frustration and/or stress by busying your body with meaningful activities. Take up a hobby or two, learn something new, do something nice for someone else, plan something fun, find new music, become amazed, be inspired. Whatever you choose to do, make it an ongoing project so that you maintain a busy schedule filled with things and ideas YOU put there for your pleasure.

Sure, there will be times when you get frustrated or irritated, but we all have our bad days. I am not saying you will always feel positive emotions from staying busy. I am not saying never rest. I am saying, make room for those things too, and add them to your definition of "busy". I am saying accept the bad with the good because it is a part of life. The best lessons are learned from failed attempts, but at least there was an attempt. Lessons are learned from challenges, but at least you accepted the challenge. Lessons are learned through change, but at least you made strides to adapt to such changes. Remaining stagnant and effortless means you aren't trying. It means you aren't moving forward. It means you are not busy doing the things that could motivate you to just keep going.

Create a colorful calendar with new activities or new hobbies or projects. Get busy being busy. Be busy being you.

And thank you for adding me to your busy calendars on Mondays!

Now get going...I'm busy.

Peace and Joy,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Dream Big

So, as many of you know, I am obsessed with Soulpancake. I took 4 minutes this morning and treated myself to a new video they posted, and fell in love with their ideas all over again (See video below).

In this video, they talk about dreams. They never talk about how they will fulfill them or how they will build on them...they merely stated their dream(s) and that was enough.

I began thinking about my dreams, and immediately I thought of the following:

1) To possess the gift to make people realize the greatness in their lives
2) To help groups of people (teams, co-workers...etc) identify their strengths and motivate their thirst for
     success. To enable them to overcome challenges and reach a productive dynamic among all participants.
3) To acknowledge the small success in my life so that I may move forward toward the larger ones.
4) To always keep going, no matter what obstacle surfaces
5) To keep an open mind
6) To never lose faith in myself, my loved ones and especially in God
7) To never stop dreaming

I refrain from dreams including big houses, shiny cars, fancy clothes and lots of money because, to me, that stuff isn't as important. Sure, it would be nice to be able to treat myself to what I WANT sometimes instead of just what I NEED, but if I were able to do that all the time, I would not be able to appreciate it as much as I do.

Instead, I want to talk to coaches and teachers and bosses about problematic behaviors and collaborate on the most effective way to develop a solution. I want to instill the importance of commodore and support in individuals who make up a group of people coming together for a common purpose. I want to see the results and changes as groups go through these renovations.

I want to provoke people to challenge their bad days with small projects that promote positive mindfulness. I want positivity  to permeate through people's thought process. I want to create situations where people WANT to take the time to focus on what is right in front of them in order to take a time-out of their daily routine. Soulpancake does this daily. I think there should be a Soulpancake-type organization everywhere. I want to be the person that starts it here! I guess that is my big dream.

I dream that one day, people see the beauty in everything. That people will be more tolerable and less judgmental. That people will accept the shades of grey in life and not just black or white. I dream that hate dissipates and love prevails.  And most of all...I dream I am a part of making any of this happen.

I know this all sounds far fetched and like my head is in the clouds, but after all, isn't that why they call it a "dream"? Besides, if we didn't have such dreams, what would motivate us? If we dream big, we will hopefully do big, and if we do big, we see big results.

Ready, set, do BIG!

Peace and Joy,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Coach's Roundtable

This weekend, I had the honor of sitting in on a very informal, but amazing, post-game debriefing with a group of pretty amazing women in leadership positions. I heard doubt, I heard worry, I heard discontent....I heard a lot of things that you would never see on the field from these women as they are coaching.

While it shocked me, it made me realize just how amazing they were to be able to believe in their players and team so much to put aside any other feelings to most effectively and productively coach these girls to the best of their ability. It gave me a glimpse of what it would be like if I were really to become a Sport Psychologist or Team Building Coach...and I loved it. It was problem solving at its finest, and while there's  no one solution, the willingness to try suggested methods is the first step!

When I hear the word "coach", three people immediately come to mind, and these three women are the ones who have inspired this post. 

What I think many people overlook is the definition of TEAM. I believe the entity of a team is made up of every member who has a role in the outcome of the game. Most would say the players make up the team...but after this weekend I would have to disagree. To me, the team is made up of the players, the coaches, the fans, the officials, the sponsors and the spirit of the game. Everyone has their part as they commit collectively to overcome challenges and put W's on the board. However, if that commitment isn't there, someone is left picking up the slack, putting preventable pressure on a valuable part of the TEAM.

Sitting in this circle of coaches and former players, I was intrigued on how much I myself underestimated the job description of "Coach". Not only are you responsible for expanding your players knowledge of the game, skills, fundamentals and sportsmanship, but you are also influencing and creating the mental aspect of the game as well. You work to increase the confidence, the cognitive motivation, the internal strengths and the overall mental dynamic of the team. This concept is wayyy more in-depth than what most people see on the surface. Sure, there's cheering, there's talking on the field, there's fans cheering, but sometimes that becomes so monotonous that the players are almost immune to it. 

An even larger concept with the mental game: the pre-athletic career mental health. As a coach, you are dealing with the ever evolving mentality of each player. Your every word, every move, every speech has an impact, however, you have to maintain awareness that some of the players may need more, some may need less. Some may need a loud tone, and some may need a pat on the back. You are simultaneously dealing with each player's past while developing their future. Talk about pressure! Some players may come with warnings, some may come with "Handle With Care", and some come with complete confidence. It is the coach's job to figure out the methodology to effectively collaborate each personality to accomplish unity.
There are different levels of cognition among teammates, and it is up to the coaches to recognize them, play to their strengths and develop a strategy to preserve the common goal shared between all aspects of the TEAM. 

So why would anyone put themselves in this position? The passion, the love of the game, the long-term success stories, the idea of success, the determination of shaping young adults into healthy successful citizens, the continued opportunity to smell the field/grass during  ball season, the road trips, the memories, the sacrifice, the networking? Possibly. I know one thing is for certain: when a coach hears how much they influenced their players straight from former players mouths, there is an instant glow that says THAT is worth all of it.
 I had the opportunity to witness this very phenomenon. The former players expressed to their former coach how much of what she said still follows them to this day. They would say, "If only I would have listened back then." and "You know what, Coach, you were right about..."
But what was more amazing, in my humble opinion, is when the coach asked her former players, "What should I do." That, to me, was so powerful because it shows that she STILL believes in those players and respects them enough to ask for suggestions. Ideas were flying left and right, synchronicity was flowing, and progress was being made. It was perspective from players from different years, it was input from all aspects of the game, it was productivity! 

So to all the coaches out there, my hats off to you as you are shaping the lives of student athletes. To the ones I know personally, I am privileged to see the outcome of successful coaching. Melissa Jones, Brandi Paul and Tara Blackwell: you inspire me immensely, and I thank you for blessing me with a lesson well learned about what all you really do on a daily basis. I am blessed to know each of you. 
I would also like to say a special thank you to Brandi Paul for allowing me to give some input at her coach's roundtable. It may not seem like it was a big deal, but it meant a great deal to me. And thank you Melissa Jones for supporting my participation, for I am forever grateful. 

Peace and Joy,

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Lord

Hello again, readers. Today's post will be a little different. 
Given all the recent news about death, crime, illness and injury, and my work day already filled with diagnoses, addiction, custody battles and frustration, AND car problems, I find myself just constantly saying "Dear Lord"!! So with that, I would like to follow up on those words and start with a prayer:

Dear Lord,
Please help those most in need of your guidance, for their weakness portrays doubt. Please help me and all those close to me to be more conscious of your presence and everlasting light. Lord, I pray for the families and friends of those who lost a loved one, may they may find peace in your love and grace. I pray for those who are ill, that you will comfort them with your presence. I pray for those dealing with addiction, may they find strength through prayer and courage, and may your light guide them to recovery. I pray you grant me with the power of understanding and strength to maintain my positive impact on those I work for and work with. Lord, I look up to you in all your wonder and I will take this time to thank You for all You do and for Your will. Thank You for all of my blessings, all my wisdom and for the ability to do all things through You. In Your name I pray, Amen.

Okay, I feel a little better now.

At times, it is hard for me to remember that I cannot use ALL my strengths for someone else's weaknesses. I have my own weaknesses to improve upon. I know it is part of my job to turn my client's weaknesses into strengths, but there's only so much I can do....and I need to understand that I am not going to help everyone.

On a brighter note: I had a pretty great weekend! I got to do some of my favorite things. We prepped for spring by planting flowers, I got to watch softball in the beautiful weather we had (and managed to get a good sunburn in the process), I watched the Oscars (mostly because Ellen cracks me up and makes me smile a lot), and we grilled! Simple, yet so nice. 

There's not really much I want to say today. I just wanted to say a quick prayer for those who may be struggling with death, illness, addiction or some other life-altering event. Sometimes it is hard to pray when you are in the middle of the storm, so I try and do my part and pray for them. 

God bless you all!

Peace and joy,

Lost in Loss

I've written this over and over, trying to get it right. To make sure that what I say holds the value and worth it deserves. But the tru...