A lot. But it is comforting to know that weight isn't the only thing I have gained this year.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Insight 2020 (Part 2 of reflection mini series)
A lot. But it is comforting to know that weight isn't the only thing I have gained this year.
Monday, December 28, 2020
New Year, Who Dis?
I have been trying to figure out how to write my reflection blog for the new year. How to even begin to reflect on the year 2020 and how I will go into 2021.
Truth is, I can't.
What honestly matters to me, at this very moment, is that I am thankful to have been on this journey we have called 2020 surrounded by the very best people I could have ever been around for it.
I want to give the middle finger to the "New Year, New Me" motto this go around. Why? Because I have survived and gotten through a lot this year. I have experienced disappointments, loss, doubt, emotional heaviness.... I could go on about what I experienced this year. About what has buried me. About what has shaken me. About the emotions I often found myself drowning in some days/weeks. But what I want to focus on is the warrior inside of me. And inside of so many of my loved ones.
So, no. This year doesn't get the New Year, New Me. And you shouldn't feel you have to jump on the bandwagon either. Because as shitty as this year has been, we are coming out of it more badass than ever. With war paint and torn armor, we have risen to every challenge. Why would I want to change that? I feel like I know who I am more now than ever. What I am made of. What I am capable of withstanding. I rarely say this, but I am proud of myself. I AM NOT CHANGING. I am so proud of those who I hold close to my heart, for they have endured so much pain as well, and here they are, defining perseverance in the finest ways.
Do I hope for a better year? Absolutely. This year robbed so many of so much. But do I realistically think that at 12:00am on January 1, 2021 that things are going to automatically just change for the better? Um, no. I'm not saying dismiss hope. I am saying welcome reality. We can all agree that we got a humbling taste of how much our reality can change in such a short amount of time. So, don't take time for granted.
Maybe in 2021 more of us will stop bitching and start creating a living space that is made up of more gratitude and less entitlement. Maybe in 2021 we will stop shaming each other with our perceived righteousness and just mind our own business and just live. Maybe 2021 will be the year that we realize that we don't live our lives for other people, nor should we feel like we need to. Maybe, just maybe, in 2021, we will learn to leave the petty stuff at the door and focus on what really should matter. The things that hold not only meaning, but value.
Whatever 2021 brings me, I know I will be as ready as I can be. For the blessings, I have a more humbled heart to not only accept them but to be truly thankful and grateful for them. And for the trials, I know I have layers of shield from the callouses formed while working on surviving 2020.
I'll leave what I've gained from 2020 for it's own post. It deserves to stand in solidarity after the fight that was fought to maintain an understanding that it is possible that so much was gained in a year where so much was taken.
My New Years resolution for 2021? Who the hell knows....
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Trusting Grace
Monday, August 10, 2020
Strong, Not Wrong...
I think there is something to be said about the conceptualization of it. There is a misconception that people don't talk about. But I want to talk about it.
What we know/recognize about strength: It helps us build resilience. It protects us from our own selves so we can get through the hard parts of life. It prevents us from staying down when we are in the dark. It helps us to help others. To be able to put others before you in times of need. Strength can be running 10 miles or lifting eleventy eight pounds. It could be putting on a brave face to get through the scary. It is grit. It is fire. It is....bold. Strength is something we want to attribute to ourselves. Whether it is strong-willed, strong-minded, or strong-hearted....we want that for ourselves and for our loved ones.
But...what we don't recognize as strength: It takes A LOT of strength to allow yourself the emotional vulnerability to break down and feel your feelings in order to get through them. It takes strength to swallow your pride to accept things that need to be accepted. It takes strength to be honest and have the difficult conversations where we often deflect. It takes strength to walk away from a situation where you want to be but know you shouldn't. And it takes a hell of a lot of strength to admit to yourself when you are being selfish with your feelings. It takes strength to.... let go.
It also takes strength to be unsteady. To experience the overwhelming clouds that envelope our thoughts, tiring us and wearing us down. And it takes strength to experience that unsteadiness by telling everyone that you need time to reset. And it takes strength to be in the same situation as others, yet be in a different place emotionally about it, and to be okay with that. It takes strength to admit your're confused or overwhelmed and seek help for resolution and clarity.
We are so scared to tell people that. As if it makes us weak or unable to handle our emotions. As if those emotions are invalid or that we are not adequate enough to get through them on our own. Well, I have news for you...self-awareness is never a sign of weakness or defeat. We are human. We have feelings. Some of those feelings are hard. So to those of us who are struggling a little bit trying to navigate the emotions we think we are supposed to be feeling, let's just feel exactly what we are feeling without trying to qualify or justify them with whether we meet someone else's expectations. Strength is being confident that your feelings are valid. And that sometimes those feelings require strength from others to get through. And sometimes it requires you to sit in your car for 30 minutes, cry it out, and get on with your day. And sometimes you're compelled to give the day your middle finger, say screw it, and do something bold to get through the hard.
Selflessness is strength, but so is putting yourself first every once in a while. Taking risks takes strength, but so does working hard to maintain your structure and routine in a chaotic world. Strength is fluent in several different languages of the head, the heart, and body. Strength is allowing ourselves to get lost in a sea of emotions because we are confident that the anchors we planted will provide us with enough security to fend off any fear of never coming out on the other side of those feelings. Strength is understanding the concept of beautiful disasters, bittersweet goodbyes, and fortunate tragedies. Being able to set aside our own feelings to have regard for others. To step out of our comfort zones for growth. To make sacrifices that prioritize what is important to us in difficult times. All of it takes strength.
Never disregard the "taboo" parts of strength - the deviations from the "acceptable" notions of what strong is. Never short yourself of what you have acquired in regard to what makes you strong. And never, ever, compare your feelings to others, or to how you feel other's will perceive your ways of coping.
Find strength in yourself. Find strength in others. Find strength for others and with others. Just keep finding your strength. It is there. You're just seeing it and feeling it as a weakness. Stop minimizing your grit. It's not always about grace...
Much love, peace, and joy,
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Dear Broad Squad...
Has there ever been a day that has gone by that someone, if not multiple people, have reached out, checked in, and offered help? Has there ever been a time where Becca or Mary Ann couldn't count on SOMEONE to help at the drop of a hat? Has there ever been a time where we haven't collectively sent waves of prayers, good vibes, light, laughter, or love? Has there ever been a time where we haven't figured things out together, even if it mean taking shifts at doing different things just to get the job done? Have we done our part to make sure Becca's stubbornness doesn't get the best of her when we know she needs help? Have we shown up and stayed for the hard talks? Have we showered the family with love and care? Is there ANY shred of doubt that we will continue doing these things forever on end?
I look around at each of you, and I can certainly answer these questions with confidence. We aren't allowed to feel sorry because they will forever feel the love of this rather large extended chosen family. I am certain Becca is confident that between this circle of framily, she and the kids will be taken care of. I am certain that Mary Ann trusts that as well, and is comfortable leaving them in our hands. And let's not forget the unwavering strength Becca exudes. It is not our responsibility to feel sorry. It is our responsibility to uphold the love, grace, and support that they need. That we all need...from each other. It is our responsibility to celebrate Mary Ann and the time we got to have with her. We will be there to have slumber parties with Becca when the bed feels...bigger. We will be there to take the kids while she catches up on sleep, or wants a night away. We will be there at every event the kids have. We will be there at every milestone, setback, and the in-betweens. To be so confident and so sure about this is honestly quite humbling and reflects the values of how this family works. And just because one chapter comes to a devastatingly unfair end.... it doesn't mean we close the book. We keep writing it.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
When Friends Have to Be Friends
And sometimes calling people "friends" is insulting because they are so much more than that. They learn and experience the intricacies of who we are, how we are, and what we are. They understand the good, but they welcome the bad with open hearts. The worst memories, experiences, and secrets are all known and still, there's nothing but unconditional love. These are the friends who you ask to help you bury a body and they already have the hole dug, no questions asked. The ones who you have long conversations with, leaving your heart full and your spirit brighter....and maybe a little drunk sometimes.
And they are the ones that make honesty easy. Even during the difficult times. You see, there will come a time in your life where you will reflect on these friends and realize that one day you will have to be strong for one of them. You will realize that "rounding up the troops" will be pivotal in the game of surviving heartbreak, trauma, uncontrollable circumstances, and Earth shattering truths/happenstances. The select few who are on go, always a phone call away for whatever you throw at them. From babysitting to witnessing a living will. From hiding out to volunteering for housekeeping/cooking. From pick up/drop off schedules to taking you out into a field to break shit. Doesn't matter because they are the friends who set limitless expectations in regard to support.
Imagine how much you love these friends. This circle of family that you got to choose. How much they mean to you, how much value they have placed in your life. How much your heart beats a little faster when you think about how blessed you are to have them. And then think about something happening to them, and feeling all of that just as intensely.
You hurt with them. You suffer with them. You go through every emotion with them. But... you must wipe your tears first so you can see clearly enough to wipe theirs. You must take deep breaths so that you can talk them through theirs. You must take two minutes to collect yourself so that you can tend to their fears/anxieties/wishes. And most importantly, you must have faith that YOU can get through the hard with grace, love, and patience so that you are at peace with yourself and can say you did everything to ensure their journey was an experience that justifies their worth. And there should be absolutely no excuse, reason, and zero doubt that that could be done without question. Your strength becomes their brave. Your commitment becomes their trust. Your sanity becomes their comfort. You are THAT important.
We are afforded one life. We get one shot at living it to the fullest. And part of that is fulfilling the responsibilities of sharing love with others. Even if it means helping those we love at the end of their journey to continue experiencing our blessings we cast on to them. We have to be their "fullest". We have to be each other's "fullest". We have to experience life with each other. The good, the bad, the ugly. Till death do us part. Forever and ever. Even when we have to face the "this is my forever" part of life with the ones we love the most....
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Social ME-dia
What does that mean?
It means screw capturing the precise froth art on your morning joe and spend time making mustaches out of them instead.
It looks like a messy house where memories are being made rather than a perfectly crisp house where it appears nothing fun is happening.
It means washing the dishes tomorrow because popsicles outside with the kids sounds more fun.
It means that romper looks great and you should buy it, flaunt it, and not give a damn what anyone has to say about it.
It means not comparing yourself to others. Being vulnerable to your imperfections.
'Love yourself, no matter who you really are...'
Lost in Loss
I've written this over and over, trying to get it right. To make sure that what I say holds the value and worth it deserves. But the tru...
Oh where to begin with this one... As many of you may know, I am teaching economic stability, parenting and relationship skills classes to a...
So, here I am, wanting to write and not knowing where to even begin... The last week or so, I have felt...angry, I guess you could say. Fo...
Dear Exes, You have all played a pivotal role in my understanding of preservation in regard to relationships. So, thank you for that. Exes ...