Monday, January 1, 2018

Fire Works

Fire. Such a fascinating element.
It never fails in the many facets of its purpose.

As I read everyone's personal reviews of their 2017, I am at a loss as to how I can sum mine up to a few sentences. I'm scared of overlooking all the good. And then I think, "How can I?"

If you had asked me a month ago how my year went, I would have probably used a hand gesture to describe how I felt about it because I couldn't muster the mental energy to illustrate it with words.
But somehow, through excruciating pain, came an extraordinary end to the year 2017. I discovered fire.

I discovered how it burns, and it warms. It destroys, and it welds. It produces black ash, and provides bright light. It spreads, it smolders, it glows, and it cracks. And with each characteristic, it serves a purpose.

Whatever it touches, it burns. Words and thoughts can be fire, people can be fire, and experiences can be fire. They all have the potential to burn us... and sometimes they do.

But, I also learned that those same things can bring us warmth. They can make us feel comforted, safe, relaxed, and welcomed. They can weld our broken parts, and heat the cold corners of our hearts. They can tame us when we are raging, and they can bring us light when we are blind.

2017 has brought me all of the above. Nearing the end of 2017, though, my world was clouded with darkness. What i failed to realize, though, is that the darkness is the best lighting to see a spark. And life handed me a few in the last few weeks. And those sparks... well, they were beautiful, and warm, and... extraordinary. They presented in the form of people and experiences, family and friends, moments of clarity and moments of unexpected joy.

Just like fire, we become ignited. And just like fire, all it takes is a spark. My wish for those who need that spark... once you find it, may your flame breed a wildfire so bright it outshines the glaring embers that illuminated the worst parts of your seemingly impossible feats.

Fire is light. Don't seek it... be it.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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