Thursday, March 12, 2015

Teacher Mentality

I may not be in a traditional classroom setting at a traditional educational institution, but I AM a teacher.

Lately, I have grown a whollllle new appreciation for teachers. I now find myself getting frustrated when I ask a thought provoking question just to get a smart ass response. I become frustrated at the ones who show out and not take it seriously, potentially hindering the learning process for the ones who are taking it seriously. I find myself asking myself, "Why can't they just grow the hell up?". And then it hit me...

Maybe people don't necessarily need to "grow up", rather they need to grow out. Out of their habits, out of their toxic mindset, and out of their cycle of self sabotage and deprivation. Maybe they need to grow out of their shell, out of hiding, out of their own way. It may not be an interest in positively engaging in their life that is lacking, rather, it may be a lack of education or confidence on how to do so. So maybe, just maybe, they need to be helped OUT, not helped UP.

Different group dynamics require different approaches. Sometimes,  I need to facilitate thinking, not facilitate a class. I need to listen to questions rather than just trying to answer them. I need
 remember that success is not a guarantee, rather it is an option.

I need to realize that even if I only reach 3 of 30 people in my classes, it doesn't mean I've only made a difference in 3 lives. I recently realized that those 3 people will be utilizing the skills and reaching other people in their lives with what they learn in my class. So while I may have only directly had a positive impact on the 3 lives, the potential of indirect impact is....well, endless.

This is why it is so important to appreciate the small things. What people don't realize is that we are all teachers. We all learn from each other. We are all making a difference and having an impact, so it is very important to make it a good one. Be mindful of your attitude, your actions, your outlook, and your never know who is learning from you.

If we want to continue teaching, we have to continue learning.

Peace and Joy,

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