Monday, February 3, 2014

My Words, Your Meanings

Unlike many bloggers I follow, I don't have children to post about, telling stories of their ages, stages and milestones. I don't have a specific topic to write about, nor have I overcome any life-threatening, life-changing circumstance. However, what I DO have are my words. 

Every day we speak, hear, type and read words. I strongly believe that interpretation and understanding of such words is an under-appreciated art form. Whether you are the sender or receiver of the words and phrases, you still apply the context, tone and body language to fit your needs at that moment in time, resulting in someone else's words becoming your own story. I personally do this with famous quotes, lyrics and even quirky messages on T-shirts.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing."

My daily goal in life is to say something or write something that is of some worth to someone else. I think this is important in anyone's life. I may not know everything, but I understand that you never know when your words can change someone's life. It could be a simple phrase, it could be a book. It could be a look you give someone. It could be a gesture. Whatever it may be, it is influencing someone, somewhere. People are often thirsty to relate someone else's words, stories or lyrics to their own lives to help make sense of their life, or what they may be going through at that time, or to even get them through certain feelings. Words are used to validate emotions, change a mood, and in some extreme cases, save lives. 

We use words to make points, defend ideas, express ideas and share thoughts. These exact operations are what leads to growth, whether it be spiritually, emotionally, mentally or cognitively. Words expand our minds through personal interpretation and exceeding our own levels of understanding. They simply move us. 

We apply words to actions, facial expressions, pictures and pretty much everything around us. We describe with words, we express feelings with words, we assign meaning with words. My personal favorite is to develop creativity with words. Either way, I strive to use my words to inspire, encourage, influence and educate. Though some days are a struggle for this aspiration, I still have the most important words, and those are the words to God through prayer. 

So welcome to my blog. May you be uplifted, encouraged and find positive meanings in the sequence of letters I write, for it is not about MY message, it is simply about the words and what YOU make of them.


  1. Loved it :) The Benjamin Franklin quote struck me in just the right way! Definitely something to keep in mind.

  2. I am deeply touched by this, and quite relieved to know that someone else indulges in communication and the art thereof!


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