It kick-started my motivation for Joy Latte all over again. Doing good for others, just delightful is that?! Seeing the simple act of someone doing for others, makes my cheeks pop with excitement. I am so so very excited about our upcoming JL project(s). More so now than ever. It has taken quite some time to fully develop the plan in its entirety, but I hope it will be well worth it.
I encourage everyone to go out and do something nice for someone, whether it is someone close to you, or someone you've never met. And please don't engage in your generosity via social media...make it personal. Not just a facebook message, text or tweets. There is nothing like personal contact in this day in age. We get so involved in the lives of others through our phones, computers, tablets, etc, and we forget we have a life of our own in which we can do so many good things. So, instead of reading about someone's good day, be a part of that someone's good day. Start with a close friend, or a co-worker, a neighbor, your family. Start somewhere and let it be contagious! And if you decide to delve into this encouraging request, please tag #joylatte and tell us your story on how you made your little world a better place.
I ESPECIALLY encourage you to participate in these small acts of kindness if you are having a bad day. Nothing cheers me up more than being able to make someone else smile, laugh or feel surprised. It is the element of surprise that creates a whirlwind of emotions that can truly change someone's entire outlook on their day/mood...including your own. If there is not something good you can find in your day, create it. It's that simple. Don't let money be an issue either. I am not saying buy someone a vacation to Mexico. You can simply get a 6-pack of their favorite soda and wrap quotes around each can. You can bake cookies and bring them to work for no reason. You can simply tell someone they are awesome.
If you every have trouble deciding what do to, always remember the golden rule.
So go now, and do unto others...
Peace and Joy,